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Depression for Dad

According to a meta-analysis published in the May 19, 2010 issue of JAMA, about 10% of new fathers are affected by prenatal and postpartum depression.

James F. Paulson, PhD, and Sharnail D. Bazemore, MS, of Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, reviewed the medical literature related to depression in fathers during the period between the first trimester of their significant other's pregnancy and the first year postpartum. A total of 43 studies including 28,004 participants were included in their analysis.

Mental Health Parity

"This is an interesting article about Mental Health Parity."

ADHD: A Defintion

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or AD/HD or ADD) is a neurobehavioral|LS|1|RS| developmental disorder.|LS|2|RS| It is primarily characterized by "the co-existence of attentional problems and hyperactivity, with each behavior occurring infrequently alone" and symptoms starting before seven years of age.|LS|3|RS|

Working Women and Untreated Depression

The article examines how untreated depression may impact women in the workplace."Depression in mothers can have a major impact on the entire family, especially on the health and well-being of their children. Yet a new study published in the Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research found that more than 65 percent of working moms with depression don't get adequate treatment.

Defining Depression

Major Depressive Disorder (major depression) Characterized by multiple symptoms that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, eat, enjoy once-pleasurable activities or function normally. When very severe, one may feel unable to get out of bed, sometimes called vegetative depression; when symptoms include hallucinations and delusions, called psychotic depression.

Treatment: Usually medication (SSRIs or other antidepressants), therapy to address the underlying causes of depression, learning life-coping skills and support.

Working Mother and Depression

Madison, Wisconsin — Most mothers with depression in the United States do not receive adequate treatment for their disease, according to a new study at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. And the problem is especially pronounced among working mothers, those who are uninsured, and minority mothers.